What is UN declaration?
United nations general assembly recently declared the UN ecosystem restoration decade 2021-2030.
When was it declared?
It was declared on 5th June 2021.
Its purpose is to facilitate global cooperation for the restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems. It has called for the restoration of degraded area equal to that of China. It would also strengthen the resolve to mitigate the effects of climate change and adhere to principles of biodiversity preservation.
The decade of ecosystem was first proposed by EL Salvador during the meeting of Bonn Challenge in 2018. The proposal called for the restoration of 350 million hectares of degraded land by 2030.
On 1 March 2019, the UN General Assembly officially adopted the resolution declaring the 2021-2030 as the decade of ecosystem restoration.
The major aim behind this is to balance the ecological, social and developmental priorities and also fostering resilience in tackling global warming and restoring health of ecosystem.
The rate of biodiversity loss has been increasing due to anthropogenic pressures, therefore it is necessary that such steps are taken to mitigate such negative consumeristic effects.
- Build a common vision, prioritizing ecosystem restoration from the global to the local level to accelerate reversal of ecosystem degradation.
- Mainstream ecosystem restoration in policy and planning to address current developmental challenges due to land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change vulnerability
- Foster a holistic approach to achieving international commitments and national priorities through ecosystem and landscape restoration
- Enhance cooperation and resource mobilization to increase the flow of financial resources, technologies, knowledge, and capacity building to countries and jurisdictions working to meet national goals and international commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals, through ecosystem restoration
- Encourage partnerships and investments, promoting a resilient economy by increasing support for smallholders’ generation of value from land use products and potential to contribute to ecosystem restoration
- Promote cooperation between funds providers, governments, civil society, and the private sector to help overcome barriers to scaling up resource-efficient productive systems in association with ecosystem restoration
- Raise awareness of the importance of functional ecosystems for human well-being and productive activities, local development and the economic sustainability of society.